9 Bedford Row International Report – “The Egyptian Revolution Against the Muslim Brotherhood”

Today, 9 Bedford Row International released its latest report entitled “The Egyptian Revolution Against the Muslim Brotherhood”. The report can be read and downloaded at: http://egyptevidence.com/
The report is the third in a series of reports commissioned by the State Lawsuit (Litigation) Authority of Egypt which aim to present an independent and comprehensive review of the Muslim Brotherhood and its allied groups and organisations. The first report, entitled “The History of the Muslim Brotherhood” was released on 2 April 2015. The second report “The Egyptian Experience of the Muslim Brotherhood in Power 2012 – 2013” was released on 4 June 2015.
This third report looks at the final days leading up to the collapse of the presidency of Mohamed Morsi with an analysis of the key events that unfolded in the weeks following his removal from office. Specifically, it reviews the revolution of 30 June 2013 when the Egyptian people forced Morsi to step down on 3 July 2013 and the following clashes that ensued between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Steven Kay QC
16 December 2015
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